A Kolkata resident was duped out of Rs1.78 crore by fraudsters who posed as stock trading experts, offering guidance on equity investments. The victim, a resident of Haridevpur, was approached through WhatsApp by an unknown number, offering stock market investment opportunities and training sessions. The fraudsters instructed him to download a mobile application for trading.
Believing the scammers’ promises, the victim invested Rs1.78 crore. However, after some time, he realized that he had been tricked. A cyber cell investigation led to the arrest of three individuals in connection with the fraud.
The arrested suspects have been identified as Alamgir Molla and Minjarul Molla from Tehatta, Nadia, and Suman Mandi from Kalyani, Nadia. Police recovered several items from the accused, including a laptop, two mobile phones, multiple SIM cards, debit and credit cards, and various banking documents such as chequebooks and passbooks.
The police are continuing their investigation into the scam, which appears to be a well-organized attempt to defraud investors by posing as legitimate stock trading guides.