Pune police recently apprehended 48-year-old Mohamad Aslam Marchant from Bharuch, Gujarat, in connection with the Vishrantwadi drug case. Marchant, a key figure in the drug supply chain, was arrested on …
Drug TraffickingDrugs
Ahmedabad Crime Branch Seizes 194 kg of Marijuana, Arrests Mustakim Belim
by Ananya MehtaIn a major drug bust, the Ahmedabad Crime Branch seized 194 kilograms of marijuana worth Rs42 lakh from a warehouse in Vatva GIDC, linked to an ongoing smuggling operation from …
by Ananya Mehta -
Drug SeizureDrugs
Bharuch Police Arrest School Van Driver Prakash Patel with Drugs Worth Rs6.20 Lakh
by Ananya MehtaThe Bharuch police have arrested a school van driver, Prakash Patel, for allegedly possessing illegal drugs worth Rs6.20 lakh. The incident took place on Thursday, when police officials identified Patel, …
by Ananya Mehta