Udupi Police have arrested Yallappa Mallappa Bovi (37), a driver employed at the Easy Life agricultural equipment marketing company, in connection with a theft that took place at Karavali Bypass. The accused, a native of Bagalkot district, was involved in the theft of Rs6 lakh worth of agricultural equipment from the company.
The incident occurred on August 4, when Yallappa was tasked with transporting various pieces of agricultural equipment from the company’s branch in Theerthahalli to the Karavali Bypass showroom. After completing the delivery, he parked the Bajaj tempo near the showroom. The following morning, on August 5, another employee of the company, Shreyas, began unloading the goods, only to discover that 12 pieces of equipment were missing.
The stolen equipment, which included valuable agricultural machinery, was worth approximately Rs6 lakh. A case was immediately filed at the Udupi city police station.
Following the investigation, PSI Eranna Shiragumpi and his team, including Ananda and Shivakumar, tracked down the stolen equipment. The goods were recovered from a hidden location near the APMC godowns in Adi Udupi, where Yallappa had concealed them.
The stolen items were successfully recovered, and the accused, Yallappa Bovi, was produced in court. He has been sent to Hiriyadka district prison pending further legal proceedings.