David Singh, a 39-year-old taxi driver from Lot 1246 Eccles New Scheme on the East Bank of Demerara, was recently apprehended by the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Guyana Police Force. Singh, a former member of the police force, is accused of defrauding several individuals in a house lot scam.
According to Police Headquarters, Singh’s method involved collecting money under false pretenses, claiming he could secure house lots from the Ministry of Housing for his victims. Authorities are urging anyone who has fallen victim to his scam to come forward and report the matter at the Brickdam Police Station.
In addition to the current charges, Singh already faces two similar cases in court. New allegations have surfaced, suggesting he has defrauded even more people. Furthermore, reports indicate that Singh used the names of Ministry officials and police ranks to intimidate his victims, adding a layer of deceit to his fraudulent activities.