In a recent crackdown on cyber crime, the Telangana Cyber Security Bureau (TSCSB) apprehended three men from Bihar in Ramagundam on August 21. The suspects—Mohammad Shamim, Abdul Salam, and Mohammad Iftikhar—were caught with approximately 4,000 old mobile phones, which they were attempting to purchase from local residents at low prices in exchange for plastic items or cash.
According to a press release, the suspects had been operating in the area for about a month, aiming to transport the old phones back to Bihar. Their plan involved handing over the devices to an associate in their home village, where the phones would be repaired and modified before being sold to cyber fraudsters in regions like Jamtara and Deoghar in Jharkhand.
Upon interrogation, the trio revealed that the intention behind acquiring these phones was to facilitate cyber scams. They were expected to share the illegally obtained funds with their associates involved in the criminal activities.
In response to this incident, the TSCSB has urged the public to refrain from selling or giving away old mobile phones to unknown individuals. Selling such devices could lead to unintended involvement in cyber crimes, as the identities of sellers might be implicated in fraudulent activities.