In a significant operation on Friday, police from Pratap Nagar and Savina stations in Udaipur dismantled a counterfeit currency operation, seizing fake notes worth Rs 36.70 lakh in Rs 500 denominations. The police arrested seven individuals, including the mastermind, Rahul Lohar, and also seized critical printing equipment such as photocopy machines, printers, and cutters used for producing the counterfeit currency.
The illegal operation was run from a rented house in Vaishali Nagar. According to SP Yogesh Goyal, police acted on an intelligence tip received on Thursday, which led to the raid. During the operation, the authorities discovered a significant stockpile of fake currency and printing machinery.
The investigation revealed that Rahul Lohar, the main accused, had already circulated Rs 10.2 lakh worth of counterfeit notes through three accomplices from Madhya Pradesh, who were also arrested in the operation. The fake currency was recovered, and the arrested individuals are now under police custody.
The police have emphasized the ongoing investigation into the counterfeit currency network, and further efforts are being made to trace the full extent of the operation and its connections across other regions.
This bust marks a significant achievement in curbing the circulation of fake currency and highlights the proactive measures taken by the Udaipur police in combating illegal activities in the region.