The Kukatpally police, in collaboration with the Balanagar Central Crime Station (CCS) team, have arrested a three-member interstate house burglary gang involved in a major heist at the residence of a businessman on Tuesday. The police recovered gold and silver ornaments, a bike, and mobile phones, with a combined value of Rs50 lakh.
The arrested individuals—S. Laxman, G. Naga Shankar, and G. Murali—are all residents of Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh. According to the police, the trio had been working as drivers at Prakash Engineering Office in Vivekananda Nagar Colony, Kukatpally, and were well-acquainted with the owner of the business.
The suspects, aware of the employer’s movements, conspired to rob his house. On November 29, they broke into the residence and made off with valuable items worth lakhs. The burglary was reported to the police, who promptly launched an investigation.
After receiving a complaint, the police analyzed over 200 CCTV cameras along the escape route. This footage led to the identification of the suspects. Following their arrest, the police successfully recovered all the stolen items from their possession.
The arrested trio has been charged with house burglary and the police are continuing their investigation into their possible involvement in other crimes.