In a significant breakthrough, the Delhi Police have arrested five men involved in an alleged theft worth over Rs 2 crore, including cash and jewellery, at the residence of a retired DRDO scientist in Prashant Vihar, Rohini. The crime took place on Sunday afternoon around 12:50 pm, and the police quickly tracked down the suspects, recovering around Rs 1.22 crore in cash and other stolen items.
The key conspirator, Gaurav Kawatra (36), and his accomplice, Jasmeen Singh, also known as Gifty (42), were arrested on Sunday, just a day after the theft. Following their arrest, the Crime Branch carried out two separate operations that led to the capture of three other suspects: Kamal, aka Amandeep (22), Ashish, aka Ashu (22), and Pawan Singh (22). These arrests came in connection with the theft at the scientist’s home.
However, one suspect, identified as Krishan, remains on the run, and efforts are ongoing to apprehend him. According to police, the suspects meticulously planned the theft and executed it when the house was presumably empty, taking advantage of the vulnerable situation to steal a substantial amount of cash and valuables.
The Rs 1.22 crore in cash and other stolen items have been successfully recovered by the police. Investigations are still ongoing as law enforcement authorities continue to piece together the full extent of the crime and its perpetrators’ connections.
The stolen items primarily included cash and jewellery belonging to the retired scientist, and it is believed that the men had been planning the heist for some time. Authorities have assured that they will make every effort to track down the remaining suspect, Krishan.
This case highlights the increasing challenges of high-value thefts in urban areas and the commitment of the Crime Branch to swiftly address such crimes.