Two residents of Vasco, Suraj Naik and Shreya Vardhan (also known as Shreya Suraj Naik), have been charged by Mapusa Police for allegedly stealing a cell phone worth Rs 1.73 lakh. The incident occurred on January 26 at the Golden Orchid, where the accused are accused of stealing a cell phone belonging to the daughter of Abhinay Shrirang Narvekar, a Mapusa resident.
Narvekar filed a formal complaint with the police, detailing the theft. According to the complaint, the suspects, identified as Suraj Naik from Mandrem-Pernem and Shreya Vardhan from Headland Sada-Vasco, were involved in the theft at the location. Reports suggest that the complainant’s family is somehow connected to the accused.
The case is currently under investigation by PSI Aditya Gad, who is working to gather more details regarding the theft and the involvement of the suspects.