Bhopal Police have cracked the theft of a dumper worth Rs57 lakh stolen on Diwali night after the arrest of three individuals. The incident took place on the night of October 31 near the Essar petrol pump close to Bedamau village on the Indore-Betul highway.
Within just five days, the police successfully recovered the stolen dumper and a car used in the crime. The theft was reported by Dilip Mandhnya of Shivaji Chauraha Bagli at the Kamalapur police station. Following the complaint, the SP directed a detailed investigation, which involved the formation of three special teams.
The investigation team meticulously examined over 200 CCTV footage from the incident site and surrounding areas, including toll booths and local businesses. The breakthrough came when police interrogated the dumper driver, Amjad Patel, who confessed that the theft had been planned by his partners, Jaspal Sendhav and Arjun Sendhav.
The police managed to recover both the stolen dumper and the car, with a combined value of approximately ₹60 lakh. Shockingly, the accused had pretended to search for the dumper alongside local villagers for several days, all while being directly involved in the theft.
The three arrested individuals are currently under investigation as the police continue to probe their roles in the crime.