In a breakthrough following a Rs11 crore cyber crime case, the North East Division Cyber Crime police have dismantled an international digital fraud racket. Three individuals have been arrested for …
In a significant breakthrough, the Cyber Crime unit of Prayagraj police has uncovered a major racket that was scamming devotees and pilgrims. The perpetrators were operating multiple fake websites designed …
by Ananya Mehta -
FinancialInvestment Scams
Odisha Youth Jahir Khan Arrested in Prayagraj Counterfeit Currency Operation
by Ananya MehtaPrayagraj Police have revealed that a youth from Odisha is the mastermind behind a counterfeit currency operation discovered at a madrasa in Prayagraj. The key figure in this illegal scheme …
by Ananya Mehta -
Government Impersonation Scams
Prayagraj Police Arrest Four in ₹2.08 Crore WhatsApp Fraud
by Ananya MehtaThe Prayagraj Cyber Crime Police, in coordination with the Uttar Pradesh Police Cyber Crime Headquarters, have arrested four individuals involved in a Rs2.08 crore scam. The gang carried out the …
by Ananya Mehta -
The Cyber Crime Police Station in Prayagraj has successfully arrested Abhishek Mandal, the leader of an interstate cybercrime gang, involved in a fake bank KYC scam that defrauded victims across …
by Ananya Mehta