In a significant operation under Operation Dawn, the ICR Naharlagun Police successfully apprehended two interstate drug peddlers and seized heroin from their possession, as confirmed by Mihin Gambo, Superintendent of …
Operation Dawn
Drug TraffickingDrugs
Banderdewa Police Arrest Two Drug Peddlers, Seize Heroin in Operation Dawn
by Ananya MehtaIn a significant success under the Operation Dawn initiative, the Banderdewa Police apprehended two drug peddlers and seized 6.68 grams of suspected heroin during a special operation on October 7, …
by Ananya Mehta -
Drug TraffickingDrugs
Naharlagun Police Arrest Five Drug Peddlers, Seize Heroin in Operation Dawn
by Ananya MehtaThe Naharlagun Police have successfully apprehended five interstate drug peddlers and seized a large quantity of heroin following a four-day operation named Operation Dawn, as confirmed by Mihin Gambo, Superintendent …
by Ananya Mehta -
Drug TraffickingDrugs
Four Arrested in Naharlagun for Heroin Trafficking, Including Three Women
by Ananya MehtaNaharlagun Police have arrested four drug peddlers, including three women, on Thursday for the possession of suspected heroin in Naharlagun. The arrested individuals were identified as Ms. Taba Kuku (22), …
by Ananya Mehta -
Drug TraffickingDrugs
Two Arrested in Operation Dawn for Drug Trafficking in Banderdewa
by Ananya MehtaIn a continued crackdown on drug trafficking under Operation Dawn, the Banderdewa Police arrested two individuals, including a woman, for their involvement in the illicit drug trade. The arrests were …
by Ananya Mehta -
Drug Trafficking
Arunachal Police Bust Interstate Drug Trafficking Arrest Babul Islam
by Ananya Mehtaerdewa Police, under Operation Dawn, apprehended an interstate drug peddler and seized 13.46 grams of heroin from his possession on Friday. The operation targeted the illegal drug trade between Assam …
by Ananya Mehta