The Special Investigation Team (SIT), appointed by the state government, has seized critical documents in their ongoing investigation into the Khyati hospital scam, which has been linked to the deaths …
hospital scam
In a shocking case of embezzlement, Soumya, a 24-year-old cashier at a prominent private hospital in Chennai, has been arrested for allegedly embezzling a total of Rs 52 lakh from …
by Ananya Mehta -
FinancialInvestment Scams
Woman Arrested for Embezzling ₹52.24 Lakh from Anna Nagar Hospital
by Ananya MehtaA 24-year-old woman, identified as M Sowmya, was arrested by the Avadi City Police for embezzling Rs52.24 lakh over the span of two years while working as a cashier at …
by Ananya Mehta