In a shocking case of digital fraud, police have arrested two individuals from Punjab for scamming an 85-year-old retired Major General out of Rs83 lakh. The fraud was executed through …
digital fraud
Online and TechPhishing Scams
Naresh Kumar Arrested in ₹1.2 Crore Digital Fraud Case
by Ananya MehtaA 22-year-old unemployed man, Naresh Kumar, was arrested in Gurgaon in connection with a digital fraud case where a 69-year-old retired government official from Noida was conned into paying Rs1.2 …
by Ananya Mehta -
In a significant crackdown on cyber crime, the Uttarakhand Special Task Force (STF) has arrested Manoj, the primary suspect in a Rs3 crore digital scam that targeted residents in Dehradun. …
by Ananya Mehta -
The cybercrime unit of the city police has apprehended 17 individuals nationwide in connection with a significant digital arrest fraud case. Among those detained, four are Taiwanese nationals captured in …
by Ananya Mehta
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