In a disturbing incident, three individuals were arrested in Palghar district for allegedly cheating a 67-year-old man out of Rs50,000. The victim, who was withdrawing money at an ATM on …
ATM scam
Identity TheftPersonal
Sanjay Ghorai Arrested for Swindling ₹6 Lakh from ATM Users in Gajuwaka
by Ananya MehtaThe Gajuwaka police arrested Sanjay Ghorai, a 37-year-old man from Parnasree Pally in Kolkata, for allegedly swindling money from ATM users in a deceptive card swapping scheme. Ghorai is accused …
by Ananya Mehta -
In a significant breakthrough, Khandagiri police arrested the notorious ATM looter Sambhav Acharya on Friday, along with his accomplice, Jiten Bose. The duo is believed to have been involved in …
by Ananya Mehta -
In a significant breakthrough, the Nandgram police in Ghaziabad have apprehended two notorious scammers, Sahil and Salman, accused of targeting unsuspecting ATM users through a cunning card-swapping scheme. The duo …
by Ananya Mehta