In a significant operation, the Anti Narcotic Intelligence Unit (ANIU) of the Greater Chennai Police (GCP) arrested seven individuals, including Venkatesan, Prabhu, and Shanmugam, and seized over 16 kg of methamphetamine on Monday.
The accused were caught during a coordinated operation with Madhavaram Police. The drugs were seized from A. Venkatesan alias Rajesh of Red Hills, who had a criminal background, including a previous drug conviction in Patiala district, Punjab. After being released from prison in 2021, Venkatesan, along with Prabhu from Kodungaiyur and Shanmugam from Urapakkam, smuggled methamphetamine and its precursor, pseudoephedrine, from Haryana and Myanmar via Manipur into Chennai.
Additionally, Sahul Hameed, Lawrence, and Lawrence’s wife Jancy Merida were arrested for their involvement in supplying drugs to Venkatesan. The authorities are continuing to investigate the operation and the extent of the trafficking network.