A 51-year-old property agent, Devendra Sharma, was arrested on Friday for committing a series of thefts, including stealing jewellery from a physician’s residence in Koyal Enclave’s Oxirich Apartment in the Tila Mor area. Sharma, who had previously helped Dr. Vivek Bharti, a dentist, find a rental flat, took advantage of the trust placed in him to steal valuables when the doctor and his wife were away visiting their hometown.
Dr. Bharti, the complainant in this case, learned that Sharma had arranged five flats in the same apartment complex over the past two years. Shockingly, all the tenants in these flats had fallen victim to thefts, according to the police. The stolen jewellery from Dr. Bharti’s residence was valued at Rs 7.5 lakh.
The police acted swiftly, arresting Sharma, who is also known as Johnny, near the Tulsi Niketan hostel. His arrest followed CCTV footage analysis and manual surveillance, leading to his identification and capture.
According to Shalimar Garden ACP Saloni Aggarwal, Sharma has been charged under sections related to theft, dishonestly receiving stolen property, and housebreaking by night. This arrest sheds light on a pattern of thefts that had been occurring in the Oxirich Apartment complex, with Sharma using his position as a property agent to gain access to multiple homes.
The police investigation is ongoing as they work to uncover more details about the extent of Sharma’s criminal activities.