On Saturday, Noida police arrested two men accused of being involved in a string of thefts at a paying guest (PG) accommodation in Raipur locality, Sector 126, Noida. The suspects were identified as Mohd Imran (26), a resident of Meerut, and Sushil Kumar alias Tera (26), a local resident of Barola in Noida. The duo was apprehended while riding a stolen Hero Splendor Plus motorcycle, which had no registration plate, near Pushta Road, Raipur village.
Following their arrest, the police recovered a significant cache of stolen items from the suspects, including seven laptops, 19 smartphones, six laptop chargers, two mobile chargers, two earbuds, a smartwatch, a headphone, and a country-made pistol.
The suspects later confessed to targeting PG accommodations and rented rooms that were often left unlocked at night due to the summer heat. They typically carried out their operations between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., focusing on laptops, mobile phones, and other electronic items. The suspects admitted to having stolen and sold approximately 35-40 laptops and over 100 mobile phones over the course of their crime spree.
Vidya Sagar Mishra, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) in Noida, confirmed that multiple thefts had been reported over the last two months from PG accommodations in the area. One of the most recent cases involved a student from a private university in Sector 125, who reported the theft of her laptop and mobile phone on May 24. Three other female students in the same PG also reported similar thefts. An FIR was filed at the Sector 126 police station under Section 380
In response to these crimes, the police formed a special team to investigate the cases, scanning 80-90 CCTV cameras in the area. The breakthrough came when the suspects were spotted riding their stolen motorcycle on Pushta Road. Acting on information from their surveillance, the police were able to apprehend the men.
The suspects, who are reportedly history-sheeters with nine criminal cases registered against them across various Noida police stations, are currently being interrogated. Further investigations are underway to trace the stolen goods and understand the full extent of their criminal activities.