In a major breakthrough, the Shamsabad Special Operations Team, along with Madhapur Police and TGNAB, arrested four drug peddlers in Hyderabad, seizing 1 kg of heroin worth an estimated Rs 7 crore. The arrested individuals include Nemi Chand Bhati, the main accused, who sourced the heroin from Santhosh Achary, a notorious drug supplier currently incarcerated in Jodhpur jail. The other suspects are Narpath Singh from Rajasthan, Ajay Bhati, and Harish Sirvi, both residents of Telangana.
According to police, these individuals have previously been involved in several drug-related offenses. Hyderabad’s Police Commissioner, Avinash Mohanty, announced that the investigation is ongoing, with further scrutiny into the distribution network. Madhapur DCP Dr. Vineeth G. highlighted the importance of this arrest in curbing the narcotics trade in the region. The Director General of Police, Dr. Jitender, praised the Hyderabad police team for their successful operation.
The authorities are continuing to probe the extent of the drug supply chain, with a focus on the role of Santhosh Achary and his connections across the state.