The Mumbai Police arrested a 28-year-old man, Abbas Mustafa Labbe, for stealing gold jewellery worth Rs 16.5 lakh from a trader’s bag. The police successfully recovered the entire stolen amount, including 230 grams of gold ornaments, which had been taken from the trader’s bag on September 2.
The trader, who runs a gold trading business in Kalyan, noticed the chain of his bag was open while on his way to CSMT railway station. Upon checking, he found that the gold ornaments were missing, and he immediately reported the theft to the police.
Using informant networks and technical intelligence, the police arrested Abbas Mustafa Labbe, a labourer in the city. The recovered items included pendants, bracelets, chains, rings, a mangalsutra, earrings, and Rs 21,000 in cash.
Detection officer API Liladhar Patil and his team were praised for recovering 100% of the stolen jewellery. The accused was a repeat offender, a drug addict, and a known criminal, according to the police.