The Bowenpally police in Hyderabad have arrested five individuals in connection with the murder of 21-year-old Mohd. Sameer on December 21. The primary suspect, Mohammed Shabbir, Sameer’s father-in-law, harbored resentment after Sameer married his daughter, Ferdoz Sadaf, against Shabbir’s wishes. After pressuring Sameer to divorce Ferdoz, Shabbir, along with his son Mohd. Omer, plotted Sameer’s murder. The two, along with three accomplices, attacked Sameer with knives, resulting in his death. The police have made all necessary arrests and are continuing their investigation into the matter.
Mohammed Shabbir and 4 Others Arrested for Murder of Mohd. Sameer
Bowenpally Police Arrest Five for Murder of Sameer Over Family Dispute