Home » Luis Sencion-Gonzalez Arrested on Human Trafficking Charges in Reno

Luis Sencion-Gonzalez Arrested on Human Trafficking Charges in Reno

Man arrested for attempting to lure 15-year-old through online communication

by Sophia Bennett

RENO, Nev. (KOLO) — Luis Sencion-Gonzalez was arrested in Reno after a human trafficking investigation revealed he had attempted to communicate with a 15-year-old.

According to the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office, Sencion-Gonzalez believed he was conversing with a minor but was actually in contact with an undercover member of the Human Exploitation and Recovery Operations team. During their communication, he allegedly made several incriminating statements that led to his arrest.

Sencion-Gonzalez is facing multiple felony charges, including:

Attempted Statutory Sexual Seduction by Person Over 21
Attempted Kidnapping of Minor, First Degree
Attempted Child Abuse or Neglect, First Offense
Luring of a Child with Use of Computer Technology/Sexual Conduct
Attempt to Use Minor to be Subject of Sexual Portrayal/Performance
The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office has emphasized their commitment to combatting child exploitation and trafficking, further highlighting the importance of vigilance in preventing such crimes.

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