Kalwa police have arrested two habitual offenders, Shekhar Das (18) and Randeep Arote (19), for their involvement in a motorcycle theft case. Four stolen motorcycles, valued at Rs2.65 lakh, were recovered from their possession.
On January 1, a complaint was filed by Nitin Vishwakarma at Kalwa Police Station regarding a motorcycle theft. Following the incident, the Thane police launched a special operation aimed at curbing thefts in the area.
Thanks to information from informants and technical intelligence, including CCTV footage, a trap was set in Kalwa. The suspects, Das and Arote, were located and apprehended on Sunday. During interrogation, the duo admitted to their involvement in multiple thefts. It was revealed that they had been involved in four previous motorcycle thefts, with cases registered at both Kalwa and Rabodi police stations.
The stolen motorcycles, valued at Rs2.65 lakh, were recovered from their possession. Both suspects were presented in court and have been remanded to police custody for further investigation.