Hanumangarh Police have successfully uncovered a major cyber fraud operation, arresting three individuals involved in defrauding victims of approximately Rs1 crore. The gang’s network was found to span across 11 Indian states, as well as international locations including Cyprus, Australia, France, and Dubai.
The arrested individuals are Nitesh Meghwal (26) from Ellenabad, Divanshu Saharan (19) from Ganeshgarh, and Ankush Bishnoi (26) from Baranwali, Sriganganagar. The police also named three other suspects—Sahil Jat of Sriganganagar, Amandeep of Ganeshgarh, and Rishabh Rahad of Rawatsar—who are connected to the ongoing case.
The fraudsters used a well-organized method to deceive victims into handing over sensitive bank details, ATM cards, passbooks, cheque books, and SIM cards. These details were used by overseas cyber criminals to deposit fraudulent funds into the victims’ accounts. The Indian members of the gang would then convert these funds into cryptocurrency (USDT) and transfer them abroad.
A thorough investigation led to the seizure of mobile phones, SIM cards, and a Scorpio car used in the operation. The police discovered evidence of illegal transactions, including chats and screenshots, linking the suspects to the fraud. So far, around ₹1 crore in fraudulent transactions have been traced, and authorities have linked the gang to 26 registered cases across multiple states. The investigation is ongoing as police continue to identify the full scope of the operation.