The Udupi Cyber Economic and Narcotic Crime Police have successfully apprehended four individuals involved in drug peddling in the area of Neere, near Karkala. The arrested suspects have been identified as Premnath alias Prem, Revunath, Shailesh, and Prajwal. The police stated that the accused had arrived in a car to sell illegal narcotics.
During the operation, the police seized a significant amount of drugs, including 37.27 grams of MDMA, valued at Rs2 lakh, and 1.112 kg of cannabis, valued at Rs87,000. Additional items recovered from the suspects included five mobile phones, worth Rs41,000, two weapons, a car, and a motorcycle.
The police have indicated that they are continuing to investigate the case, focusing on identifying the suppliers who provided the narcotic substances to the arrested individuals.