Police in Sagar district, Madhya Pradesh, have arrested four individuals in connection with the murder of Prahlad Lodhi, a 61-year-old assistant committee manager from Nayanagar village. Lodhi, who was reported missing on October 17 after leaving for a morning walk, was later found dead in a nearby forest.
The arrested suspects include Sarman Lodhi and Tikaram Lodhi, both residents of Nayanagar, along with Brajesh Mehra from Deori and Ritesh alias Nitesh Lodhi from Patna Khurd. Authorities believe the murder was a result of an ongoing rivalry connected to local elections.
During their interrogation, Sarman and Tikaram admitted to their involvement in the crime. They stated that they, along with Ritesh, Arvind Chauhan, and Brajesh Mehra, assaulted Lodhi, stole his gold chain, and inflicted fatal injuries using sticks, stones, and knives.
The police successfully recovered the stolen gold chain, which has become a key piece of evidence in the case. One additional suspect remains at large, and law enforcement is actively working to locate and arrest him. The investigation into the motive and further details surrounding the local rivalry is ongoing.