In a swift police operation late Monday night, the Ayodhya Nagar police successfully arrested five individuals suspected of planning a major robbery in Rajeev Nagar. The suspects, identified as Shivnarayan Prajapati, Jitendra Rajput, Rajan Kude, Jaswant Sen, and Neeraj Malviya, were apprehended with a range of weapons, including a pistol, cartridges, and knives.
The police received a tip-off around 10 pm about a group of armed men gathering near Arhedi village in Ayodhya Nagar Phase-5. Acting quickly, officers located two motorcycles and the suspects, who attempted to flee but were arrested without incident.
Initial investigations revealed that the suspects had previously scouted a house in Rajeev Nagar for the planned robbery. Further questioning has shown that the men have criminal records, and they are being interrogated about other possible thefts and burglaries in the area.
The police have taken the suspects into custody for further investigation, aiming to uncover additional details about their criminal activities and potential involvement in other robberies and burglaries across the region.