Home » Dodge City Man Donnithan Jones Arrested for Meth Distribution

Dodge City Man Donnithan Jones Arrested for Meth Distribution

31-year-old fails to appear in court, previously jailed for drug offenses

by Sophia Bennett

Riley County police have arrested 31-year-old Donnithan Jones of Dodge City on Monday for failing to appear in court after being charged with distributing methamphetamine. Jones had missed a scheduled court date related to charges of distributing meth within 1000 feet of a school and using a phone to solicit or attempt to sell between 35-100 grams of the drug.

This marks another stint for Jones at the Riley County Jail, where earlier this summer, he faced accusations of attempting to sell heroin while incarcerated. Jones also has a criminal history involving multiple drug offenses, including a previous conviction for violating post-release orders in a separate drug distribution case. He spent over two years in various state prisons as part of that sentence.

Jones now faces additional legal consequences as he remains in custody, and his case continues to develop.

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