Berhampur Police has solved the murder mystery of a 35-year-old woman, whose decomposed body was found in a lodge in Baidyanathpur, Ganjam. The body of Kamanapalli Krishna Veni from Visakhapatnam was discovered on November 25, 2023, and the investigation has led to the arrest of the accused, Sameedmon AS (42), who was found in a Kerala jail.
According to Berhampur SP Sarvana Vivek M, Sameedmon had been incarcerated in Kerala for a NDPS case. Upon tracing his whereabouts, a team from Baidyanathpur police brought him on a two-day remand to Odisha on Monday.
The police took the accused to the lodge on Tuesday, where he recreated the crime scene and confessed to the brutal murder. Sameedmon, a Kerala resident, revealed chilling details about the incident.
The lodge manager had reported that a man and a woman, later identified as Krishna Veni, booked a room two days before the body was found. The man left without paying the rent, and when the lodge staff went to check the room, they found the woman lying dead on the bed.
The case was reopened with the identification and confession of Sameedmon, bringing closure to the year-long investigation.