The Mumbai Cyber Crime Cell has arrested four individuals involved in a digital arrest scam, defrauding a Kandivali resident of Rs 32 lakh. The suspects were apprehended by the North Region Cyber Police after the victim reported the incident.
The arrested gang members have been identified as Gangavihan Bhoju, Vikas Bishnoi, Premsukh Bishnoi, and Ramniwas Bishnoi. These individuals were allegedly providing bank accounts to cybercriminals for fraudulent activities.
According to the police, the scam began in December when the victim received a call at home from someone impersonating an officer from the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). The caller falsely informed the victim that a case had been registered against him at a Delhi police station, before transferring the call to someone pretending to be a Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) from the Delhi Crime Branch. The fraudster, posing as the DCP, coerced the victim into disclosing personal and work-related information, warning him that any further disclosure could lead to legal consequences.
The following day, the victim received another call from someone claiming to be a CBI officer, who falsely told the complainant that he had been digitally arrested. The caller further threatened that arrest action would follow soon. In a state of distress, the victim was coerced into transferring Rs 32 lakh to a bank account provided by the fraudsters.
Suspicious of the situation, the victim filed a complaint with the North Regional Cyber Police Station, leading to the formation of a special investigation team. Through diligent efforts, the police traced the suspects and successfully arrested the four individuals. The gang members were found to have facilitated the scam by providing bank accounts for cybercriminals to execute their fraudulent activities.