After a five-month-long investigation, Delhi Police’s Special Cell successfully arrested four men involved in smuggling drugs from violence-hit areas in Manipur and other states to Delhi. The accused were allegedly running a drug cartel, bringing large quantities of heroin and opium, worth Rs50 crore, to sell at clubs in South Delhi. The arrested individuals—Ramawtar Jat (42), Tejpal Beniwal (29), Ramniwas Lega (26), and Kishana Ram (47)—are all from Churu district in Rajasthan and have been smuggling drugs since 2019.
The gang used vehicles like a Kia Seltos and Mahindra Thar to transport drugs, concealing them in secret cavities in the cars. Police received a tip-off in January regarding a drug cartel operating out of Rajasthan and sourcing drugs from Manipur, despite ongoing violence in the region. The accused posed as officials from road construction companies to gain access to the drug supply in Manipur, working closely with local residents and drug suppliers from Myanmar.
The breakthrough came on June 25 when a police team, led by Inspector Rahul Kumar and Inspector Vineet Kumar Tewatia, received intelligence that the gang was bringing a massive consignment of drugs to Delhi. They tracked the accused to Tughlakabad, where they spotted an SUV containing 18 kgs of drugs. The police dismantled the Mahindra Thar SUV and recovered 7 kgs of heroin and 11 kgs of opium hidden in a cavity under the taillight.
Further investigation led to the discovery of a second SUV, a Kia Seltos, also concealing drugs in secret compartments. Jat, the kingpin of the gang, was previously arrested in 2019 for a drug smuggling case in Ajmer but was released after a year. Police said that after his release, Jat started his own gang and continued his operations by frequently traveling to Manipur under the guise of being a construction official.
The gang used various tactics to evade police, including working with local construction companies and using vehicles’ petrol tanks, tail lights, and other parts to hide the drugs. All four accused have been arrested and are currently in police remand, with investigations continuing.