Under the direction of SP Mukesh Lunayat, the Adityapur Police, led by Inspector Rajeev Kumar, successfully solved three significant theft cases and arrested 12 suspects. The police operation was carried out under the supervision of SDPO, with targeted raids across the area. During these raids, the police recovered 15 disassembled motors, 150 kilograms of steel beams, and other stolen items such as angles and plates.
These stolen goods were linked to thefts that occurred at several local industrial units in the region.
The arrested suspects have been identified as Sanjay Ram, Ananto Pradhan, Manoj Modi, Suraj Bodra, Tirup Barla, alias Gomaya Barla, Bittu Barla, Nand Kishore Bharti, Sukru Mukhi, Sheru Mukhi, Sumit Mukhi, Akash Singh, and Vikas Yadav. Following the recovery of the stolen goods, further investigation is underway to understand the full extent of the theft network.