In a surprising turn of events, a 50-year-old woman and her son were arrested by the Hyderabad police for allegedly concealing Rs 14 lakh in stolen cash at their home. The money, which was kept in polythene bags, was buried under a pile of natural compost in the backyard of their house.
The arrested individuals, Sumati Behera and her son Rabindra, were accused of stealing the money from Rabindra’s brother-in-law, Gopal Behera, a resident of Suria village within Bhograi police limits in Balasore district.
According to Kamarda IIC Premoda Nayak, three police personnel from Chhatrinaka in Hyderabad traveled to Kamarda police station on Friday and sought assistance from local authorities to conduct the raid at Sumati’s residence.
Reports suggest that Gopal, who worked at an agro-industry in Chhatrinaka, had kept the money in his office locker, as the banks were closed for several days. The firm’s owner had entrusted Gopal with the cash, which was later stolen by his brother-in-law and hidden by Sumati and Rabindra in their backyard.
The police have arrested both Sumati and Rabindra, and further investigation into the case is ongoing.