Coimbatore’s Rathinapuri Police have arrested T. Jagannath Singh, a history-sheeter from Periyar Nagar, for leasing a flat in the Sivananda Colony area without the owner’s consent. Singh, who posed as a broker, assured the owner that he could sell the flat for a good price. After obtaining the key from the owner, he leased the flat to a tenant for Rs10 lakh, using a fake lease agreement.
The victim, Arun, who owns the flat, filed a complaint after discovering the fraud. Singh, aged 46, had previously been involved in similar criminal activities. He was arrested by Ramanathapuram police in 2022 for a similar property fraud case and had also been detained under the Goondas Act.
According to Rathinapuri Inspector Ibrahim Badhusha, Singh’s modus operandi involved identifying available houses or flats, staying in them briefly as a tenant, and then advertising them online. He would subsequently lease these properties out for Rs10-15 lakh. Singh is also linked to other cases at Thudiyalur and Vadavalli police stations.
Police further revealed that Singh had used a forged Aadhaar card in the name of Rajasekar to carry out the fraud. He was presented before a court and sent to judicial remand.