In a major fraud case in Bhiwandi, two individuals were arrested for allegedly defrauding a local businessman of Rs 30.05 lakh by selling him counterfeit gold coins. The accused, Ravi Kishan Marwadi (24) and Manasingh Gulshan Solanki (40), were apprehended on November 28, while another suspect, Mohan, remains on the run.
The scam took place on November 26, when the accused approached the businessman, claiming they had discovered 5 kilograms of gold during an excavation project. The fraudsters then sold a bag of fake gold coins to the businessman for the hefty sum of Rs 30.05 lakh.
Following an investigation, the police were able to arrest the two main suspects, and they have now been charged under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (Indian Penal Code) for their fraudulent actions. The police are continuing their search for the third suspect, Mohan, who is still at large.
This case highlights the rising number of scams involving counterfeit gold, and authorities are urging the public to be cautious when making large transactions.