In a significant breakthrough, the Central Crime Branch (CCB) police in Mangaluru arrested four individuals involved in the circulation of counterfeit Rs500 notes within the city. The suspects were identified as V. Priyesh (38) from Kolathur, Kasaragod, Vinod Kumar (33) from Muliyaar, Abdul Khader S.A (58) from Hosadurga, and Ayub Khan (51) from Puttur. The police seized a total of 427 counterfeit Rs500 notes, amounting to Rs2,13,500.
The investigation revealed that Priyesh, operating a printing press in Cherkala, Kasaragod, was the mastermind behind the counterfeiting operation. The gang sourced the raw materials for the fake currency from Kozhikode in Kerala and Delhi. The suspects had learned the art of counterfeiting through YouTube tutorials and used Priyesh’s printing press to produce and distribute the fake currency notes.
The CCB police acted swiftly after receiving intelligence about the circulation of counterfeit notes in Mangaluru. They tracked down the suspects and arrested them, seizing the counterfeit notes and other related materials. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are working to uncover the full scope of the operation and determine how widespread the fake currency was circulated in the region.