In a major crackdown on an international cyber fraud syndicate, the Azamgarh police arrested 11 members involved in duping people of over Rs 190 crore through various gaming apps. The police also recovered Rs 35 lakh in cash from the fraudsters’ possession and froze more than Rs 2 crore deposited in 169 bank accounts linked to the gang. A total of 71 cases have been registered against them across the country.
Azamgarh SP Hemraj Meena addressed the media on Tuesday, revealing the details of the operation. Following multiple complaints about money being swindled through online gaming apps, the district’s cyber crime police station formed a joint task force led by two additional SPs to investigate the matter.
After persistent efforts, the team successfully apprehended 11 individuals: Ram Singh (28) and Amit Gupta (27) from Maharajganj district, Sandeep Yadav (25) and Vikas Yadav (19) from Mirzapur, Vishaldeep (22) from Kalandi, Odisha, Ajay Kumar Pal (25) from Gopalganj, Bihar, Akash Yadav (24) from Jaunpur, Pankaj Kumar Pushay (26) from Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, Pradeep Kshatriya (22) from Balangir, Odisha, Anandi Kumar Yadav (24) from Baka, Bihar, and Mirza Umar Beg alias Umar Mirza (21), who was arrested from the house of Rajesh in Raidopur police station area on Monday evening.
The successful bust of this cyber crime gang marks a significant victory for law enforcement in combating online fraud.