A 24-year-old man, Yogesh Niwas Chavan, has been arrested for stealing a bag containing 111.420 grams of gold worth Rs7,07,000 from a passenger aboard the Siddheshwar Express. The incident took place on December 6, 2024, while the train was traveling from Solapur to Kalyan Railway Station.
The victim, Rahul Soni, along with his family, boarded the train, and his mother kept her purse and bag under the seat. When the family reached Kalyan, Rahul discovered that the purse was missing. The family immediately reported the theft to the Kalyan Railway Police.
Following the report, the police reviewed CCTV footage from the train stations between Madha and Kalyan, which helped identify the suspect. The railway police, using technical intelligence, arrested Chavan on January 20. The Kalyan railway crime branch, led by Senior Inspector Rohit Sawant, managed to crack the case and recover details that linked Chavan to the theft.