West Palm Beach Bridge Tender Sentenced to 10 Years

West Palm Beach Bridge Tender Sentenced to 10 Years for Violating Probation

Artissua Paulk, 46, a West Palm Beach bridge tender, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison after violating her probation for the 2022 manslaughter of 79-year-old Carol Wright. The incident occurred when Paulk prematurely raised the Royal Park Bridge, causing Wright to fall as she attempted to cross.

In January 2023, Paulk had pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was sentenced to eight years probation. However, in January 2024, she violated probation by failing a drug test, not completing mandatory community service, and not paying court fines.

Paulk appeared in court on Tuesday, nearly a year after the probation violation. Her attorney argued she had made progress, stating she was a “different person now” and deserved to have her probation reinstated. However, the prosecution disagreed and requested a 15-year prison sentence. The judge ultimately reduced the sentence to 10 years.

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