The Warangal Cyber Crime Police (CCPS), acting on orders from the Telangana Cyber Security Bureau (TSCSB), successfully arrested a notorious cyber fraudster, Kalu Ram (33), from Degana town in Rajasthan on Sunday. Ram is believed to be the mastermind behind a multi-crore cyber fraud network operating across several states in India, including Telangana, where he duped victims out of approximately Rs50 lakh.
During the arrest, authorities recovered several items from the accused, including chequebooks, debit and credit cards, and mobile phones. Additionally, Kalu Ram’s bank accounts have been frozen to prevent any further fraudulent transactions.
Ram confessed crimes across India, with two of them linked to Telangana. One of his notable victims was a prominent doctor from Hanumakonda, who was tricked into investing Rs21 lakh in a fake financial scheme. The doctor filed a formal complaint with the Warangal Cyber Crime Police Station in July 2024, detailing how he was convinced to transfer a substantial sum into a fraudulent account.
This arrest comes just days after the Warangal Police successfully busted another significant cyber fraud case. In that case, a couple from Tamil Nadu was arrested for orchestrating a ₹15 crore scam using similar fraudulent tactics.