In a troubling incident in Virugambakkam, Krishnakumar, a 45-year-old man, was arrested on charges of assaulting his wife, Suganthi, with an empty gas cylinder on January 21, 2025. Suganthi, who is the sole breadwinner of their family and works at a local bakery, claimed she was forced to run from one police station to another in a desperate attempt to lodge a complaint against her husband.
Krishnakumar, known to be an alcoholic, allegedly attacked Suganthi in a violent outburst. After the woman’s continuous pleas for action, senior police officials intervened, ensuring that an arrest was made promptly. Suganthi and Krishnakumar share two children and live in the AVM Avenue area of Virugambakkam.
The case has shed light on the grim reality of domestic violence, with the woman enduring prolonged abuse before seeking justice.