A law enforcement team led by Deputy Superintendent of Police Prabhu DT, along with Udupi Nagar Police Inspector Ramachandra Naik and other officers, successfully apprehended N. M. Mohammed Mukdum Ali (28) for his involvement in the sale of MDMA. The arrest took place near the Kemthur Railway Bridge in Korangrapadi village, Udupi taluk.
During the operation, authorities seized 69.127 grams of MDMA, six mobile phones, Rs. 1,100 in cash, a car, a Lenovo laptop, and other items. The total value of the seized goods is estimated at Rs. 20,11,900.
A case has been registered at the Udupi City Police Station under Crime No. 233/2024, invoking Section 22(c) of the NDPS Act, 1985. Investigations are ongoing as police work to dismantle the drug network.