Two youths were arrested by the police on Wednesday for allegedly stealing a laptop from a residence in Basanti Colony last month. The accused, Ritik alias Subrat Kumar Swain (20) of Deepak Talkies Basti and Tinku Paramanik (20) of Malgodown area, were apprehended after a month-long investigation. The police successfully recovered the stolen laptop from their possession.
The theft occurred on December 18, when Swain, Paramanik, and an accomplice named Badal, who is still at large, entered the home of 48-year-old Nitin Gossin around 6:30 am. Taking advantage of an unlocked gate, Swain and Paramanik quietly entered the house and stole the laptop, while Badal kept watch outside.
The crime was discovered later that day when Gossin filed a complaint at the Uditnagar police station. During their interrogation, the accused confessed to the crime and explained that they were prowling the area early in the morning when they noticed the open gate.
The police are continuing their investigation and are working to apprehend the third suspect, Badal.