Delhi Police Special Cell on Friday announced the arrest of two more individuals in connection with the major drug cartel case involving Tushar Goyal, bringing the total number of arrests to 14. The arrested individuals have been identified as Ravinder Singh Basioya and Jackson Fernandes.
According to the Special Cell, drugs worth Rs13,500 crores have been seized in the case so far. The operation has resulted in the recovery of 1,289 kg of cocaine and 40 kg of hydroponic marijuana from locations in Delhi and Gujarat. These arrests follow a series of coordinated raids by Delhi and Gujarat police.
On October 13, a joint operation by Delhi Police and Gujarat Police led to the seizure of 518 kg of cocaine during a raid at a firm named Aavkar Drugs in Ankleshwar, Gujarat. Just days earlier, on October 1, 562 kg of cocaine and 40 kg of hydroponic marijuana were found in a warehouse in Mahipalpur, South Delhi, linked to Tushar Goyal. Goyal, along with three accomplices, was arrested during that operation.
Further investigations on October 10 led to the recovery of 208 kg of cocaine from a shop in Ramesh Nagar, West Delhi.
Tushar Goyal, the alleged mastermind behind the operation, had previously used a social media profile under the alias Diggi Goyal, which has since been deleted. The Special Cell also revealed that a Dubai-based businessman, who is a major cocaine supplier, is implicated in the investigation.
Earlier, Pramod Singh Kushwaha, Additional CP of the Special Cell, stated that Tushar Goyal resides in Vasant Vihar, Delhi, and confirmed that two of his associates, Himanshu and Aurangzeb, had also been arrested. In addition, Bharat Jain, a receiver from Kurla West, Mumbai, was apprehended.
The investigation into the Tushar Goyal drug cartel has revealed links to Middle Eastern countries, with authorities identifying key handlers in the region. The seizure marks one of the biggest cocaine hauls in recent times.