Two members of a gang involved in stealing remote radio (RR) units, batteries, and other equipment from mobile towers across multiple states were arrested on Sunday by the Ghaziabad police. The arrested individuals, Qasim Malik (24) and Goldie alias Farhan (26), both residents of Hindon Vihar in Nandgram, Ghaziabad, were found in possession of two RR units and four baseband (BB) units, valued at approximately Rs 25 lakh.
The gang, which operated across states including Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Assam, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, and Madhya Pradesh, had been involved in the theft of mobile tower equipment. These stolen items were sold abroad at high prices. The police have already arrested seven members of this gang in earlier operations, and 47 individuals have been apprehended in recent months for similar crimes.
Additional DCP (Crime) Sachchidanand highlighted that this latest arrest was part of the ongoing investigation to curb the theft of essential equipment from mobile towers, which has disrupted services across multiple regions.