he Cyber Wing of the city police has arrested two youths in connection with a digital scam in which Rs 4.12 crore was extorted from a woman. The accused posed as Delhi police officers and blackmailed the woman by claiming she was under a ‘digital arrest’ due to fraud linked to her bank accounts.
The arrested suspects, Muhammed Muhasil (22) and Mishab K P (21), both from Areekode, Malappuram, tricked the woman into believing that her Aadhaar-linked bank accounts had been used in scams. In a panic, they told her she was under arrest, and in order to avoid legal trouble, she needed to transfer the money in her account to accounts they provided, claiming this would help verify the legitimacy of the funds.
A case was registered at the Thrikkakara police station, and the investigation was handed over to ACP (Cyber) M K Murali. A special investigation team was formed, which uncovered that a significant portion of the extorted money was withdrawn from Malappuram.
Further investigations revealed that the accused had been collecting bank accounts in various individuals’ names and using them to commit financial crimes. While the investigation connected these accounts to several similar scams across the country, the person behind the operation has yet to be identified.
Police traced the suspects through call details from the region where the money was withdrawn, ultimately leading them to the arrested youths. The investigation is ongoing as authorities work to uncover the broader network involved in this cyber scam.