In a swift operation, the East Guwahati Police District (EGPD) team from Basistha Police Station arrested two seasoned thieves in Bhetapara’s Vidyamandir Path. The suspects, Nur Hussain (28) from Mayong and Abdul Hafijul Islam (25) from Tarabari, were found in possession of several stolen items, including iron rods and a motorcycle.
The police had received a tip-off about suspicious activity in the area, leading to the interception of a Tata Ace vehicle that was transporting stolen goods. Upon inspecting the vehicle, the police recovered eight bundles of 16mm iron rods, two bundles of 8mm rods, and a motorcycle , all believed to have been stolen.
The two men were arrested on the spot, and legal action has been initiated against them. Authorities are also investigating whether the duo is linked to other thefts in the city.
In related developments, the Dispur Police recently intercepted a stolen Mahindra Thar vehicle (24BH2670-B) in Sarumotoria and arrested Jiyaur Rahman, a resident of Imphal. The vehicle had been stolen from Amar Colony in Delhi. Additionally, a team from Jorabat Police arrested Dipankar Das (26) from Sonapur, after he was found with a stolen impact wrench near 12 Mile Area. Another arrest was made by the Basistha Police team, who caught Suman Ali (21) of Hajo with three packs of stolen welding rods in the Sagalpara area of Lokhra.
The police are continuing their efforts to crack down on criminal activity in the city.