On Saturday, December 28, the Kulsumpura police successfully arrested three notorious criminals involved in a series of robbery cases in the area. The arrested individuals, identified as Syed Abul Hasan (32), Syed Taleb Ali (23), and Saif Ali Mirza (19), were apprehended after a robbery incident that took place on December 24.
According to the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) for South West Zone, G. Chandra Mohan, the accused had robbed a labourer at knifepoint. The victim, who was travelling along 100 Feet Road in Kulsumpura, was threatened with a knife and had his phone and motorcycle stolen by the trio.
Following the victim’s complaint, the police launched a swift investigation, leading to the identification and arrest of the suspects. The accused have been taken into custody and will face charges related to robbery and theft.