The Rampur Bushahr police have arrested three individuals suspected of being involved in the illegal drug trade, specifically dealing in chitta (heroin). The accused, Satish Kumar (34) from Chatti village in Nirmand tehsil, Kullu, Mohinder Singh (24) from Anas village in Nirmand, and Rajneesh (26) from Khanewali village in Rampur, were apprehended after an extensive investigation linked to a previous drug seizure.
The operation traces back to January 17, when police arrested two individuals, Rohitash (27) from Tangling village in Kinnaur and Rakesh Kumar (37) from Kalaya village in Nirmand, Kullu. Authorities seized 42.43 grams of chitta from Rohitash during the raid. Following this, a case under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act was registered, and investigations were ramped up.
Using backward linkages from the earlier bust, the police identified connections between the two previously arrested men and the three new suspects now in custody. DSP Naresh Sharma confirmed the arrests and stated that investigations are continuing to uncover further links in the local drug trade.