A 23-year-old woman, Sasikarn, was arrested in Nakhon Ratchasima on January 5, 2025, for her involvement in a fraudulent Facebook job scam. Sasikarn is accused of luring victims into paying fees for a non-existent soap-packing job. The arrest followed a warrant issued in October 2024.
The arrest was coordinated by high-ranking officials, including Metropolitan Police Chief Siam Boonsom, and a team from the Crime Suppression Division. Sasikarn, a resident of Saraburi province, faces serious charges of public fraud and computer-related deception. She allegedly allowed others to use her bank account and phone number to facilitate the scam.
Victims reported the scam to Khlong Luang Police Station, explaining how they were first attracted to a Facebook page offering soap-packing jobs. To apply, victims were required to pay an initial membership fee, followed by additional payments for necessary equipment. Once payments were made, victims were promised job placements, but the Facebook page disappeared, leaving them without any recourse.
During interrogation, Sasikarn claimed she was asked by a distant acquaintance to open a bank account for criminal purposes, but she denies any compensation for doing so. Despite her claims, she remains in custody at Khlong Luang Police Station, where she is awaiting legal proceedings.
In a related incident, another Thai woman was arrested at a mall in Phasi Charoen, Bangkok, for defrauding over 30 job seekers by promising lucrative work in Australian vineyards. Victims were charged up to 170,000 baht but were never sent abroad. The crackdown on job scams continues as authorities work to protect citizens from fraudulent schemes.